PrestaShop Connect Rome


PrestaShop is a leading global ecommerce company serving customers in over 190 countries. We provide inclusive, customizable, scalable and well-supported solutions, to empower each entrepreneur to fully own, control and grow their online store. PrestaShop is part of MBE Worldwide (, a commerce-enabling platform which also counts on 3,150+ Business Solution Centers in 52 countries. In 2022, MBE and PrestaShop together unlocked commerce for over 1 million business customers worldwide.

Our Sessions

Sep 14, 2023
9:30 AM - 9:45 AM

PrestaShop: Embracing a New Era through Rebranding

Francesco D'Acri (PrestaShop, Country Manager Italy)
Keynote Embark on an exhilarating ecommerce journey with PrestaShop and our captivating new chapter, marked by a powerful rebranding! Step into a world of boundless opportunities and entrepreneurial freedom, where innovation, passion, and inspiration converge to redefine the very essence of commerce. Join us on this transformative journey as PrestaShop embodies a fresh spirit of independence, guiding entrepreneurs through a world brimming with untapped possibilities. Be part of a community that embraces innovation, celebrates infinite possibilities of open source, and opens doors to unparalleled growth and success. Are you ready to unleash the full potential of your ecommerce venture? Let PrestaShop be your trusted partner as you navigate the dynamic world of online business with renewed inspiration and confidence. The future of commerce awaits – are you in?
Sep 14, 2023
5:30 PM - 5:45 PM

Empowering Tomorrow and Embracing Our Journey

Francesco D'Acri (PrestaShop, Country Manager Italy)
Pitch Join us for the closing discourse to reflect on the invaluable insights and exchange of ideas that have shaped our day, venturing into the realm of possibilities for e-commerce.