PrestaShop Day Online Spain

Encuéntranos en los eventos de PrestaShop:

Ese CMS (Content Management Software) y esa Comunidad llevaron a PrestaShop a organizar Eventos para conectar a todo el mundo para un mejor comercio electrónico: los PrestaShop Days y los PrestaShop Connects son las principales citas del año para el comercio electrónico. PrestaShop también participa como expositor y/o ponente en la industria de los Trade Shows como dmexco, Internet World, Paris Retail Week, Symfony Tour, France Digitale Day, Paris Open Source Summit, Netcomm Forum, IRCE Chicago, eCommerce Day Chile, eCommerce Day Buenos Aires, eShow México, ECSE Mexico y otros.

The PrestaShop Days

The PrestaShop Day or PSD is PrestaShop’s historic event that gathers e-commerce professionals around multiple goals and formats: teaching and learning about e-commerce trends during conferences and workshops, getting tips, advices and best practices from our partners and agencies but also from our contributors, ambassadors and PrestaShop teams. At PrestaShop Day, we help entrepreneurs and start-ups grow their business, share experiences, boost their sales, network and build connections that is eventually part of the e-commerce and PrestaShop community. The PrestaShop Day takes place in major cities around the world: PrestaShop Day Paris, PrestaShop Day Madrid, PrestaShop Day Rome,  PrestaShop Day Krakow and PrestaShop Day Mexico City.