PrestaShop Day Online France 2020

Event Agenda

07:15 - 07:30
Commerce without Frontiers
Alexandre Eruimy, CEO of PrestaShop will talk about an unprecedented year in e-commerce and focus on a more than ever unified commerce.
AlexandreEruimy (PrestaShop)CoralieMesnard (PrestaShop)
07:30 - 07:45
Insight Marketplace by Cdiscount
EmmanuelGrenier (Cdiscount)CoralieMesnard (PrestaShop)
07:45 - 08:15
Current climate of French and international e-Commerce
PierreCasanova (ContentSquare)GuillaumeDĂ©mier (Paypal)JĂ©rĂ´meJouanno (ACSEL)PawelWisor (PrestaShop)
08:15 - 08:30
How Bonne Gueule increased his online and in-store sales with x time payments.
MarineEsmein (Head of Sales)
08:15 - 11:00
Stream Your Tech Part 1
First part of the Stream Your Tech 10h15-10h30 - Launch of the Stream with a presentation of the setup and the program 10h30-11h - Franck Lefevre will talk about "Presthubot" 11h-11h30 - Antoine Thomas will talk about Open source & PrestaShop with 10 minutes of Q&A 11h30-12h - Ask anything you want to Pablo Borowicz our Lead Core Developer 12h-13h - Mathieu Ferment will talk about "Pull Requests Review" 13h, it is time for a lunch break! Part 2 starts at 13:30, here :
ThomasBaccelli (PrestaShop)PabloBorowicz (PrestaShop)MathieuFerment (PrestaShop)SimonGarny (PrestaShop)FranckLefevre (PrestaShop)EricSenechal (PrestaShop)
08:30 - 09:00
The keys of the digitization to continue and rebound
LouisChatriot (Alma)LoĂŻcDe Saint Andrieu (Google)HeleneMaestripieri (Google)ValerioMartelli (PrestaShop)
09:15 - 09:45
Here's the story of how they made over 1 million revenue
AlainEtienne (Kazidomi)DavidGuillerm (Le Comptoir Irlandais)MariLouNielsen (PrestaShop)
09:15 - 09:30
With DHL, simplify your delivery process
Simplify your delivery process with an IT solution integrated into your e-commerce site.
SergeNapoletano (DHL)DelphineRobin (DHL Express)
09:45 - 10:00
The new habits of payment in B2B eCommerce
Mickaëlde Sa (Euler Hermes)
10:15 - 10:30
With PayPlug, sell online and beyond!
NicolasDevillard (PayPlug)
11:30 - 15:30
Stream Your Tech Part 2
The Stream Team is back with : 13h30-14h30 : Simon Garny and Boubker Bribri to talk about "UI Tests" 14h30-15h30 : Jonathan Lelievre to talk about "Xdebug" 15h30-16h00 : YOUR moment : ask our Stream Team anything you want 16h00-16h45 - Jocelyn Fournier to talk about "Performance" 16h45-17h15 - Little surprised from the Stream Team to you 17h15-17h30 - Closing speech of the stream! Warm thank you to all of you! Too early for Part 2? You can first 1st part here :
ThomasBaccelli (PrestaShop)BoubkerBribri (PrestaShop)MathieuFerment (PrestaShop)JocelynFournier (Softizy)SimonGarny (PrestaShop)JonathanLelievre (PrestaShop)
12:00 - 12:15
From PayPal's wallet to a global offer for PrestaShop's merchants : card payment, 4X payment, in-store payment
GuillaumeDĂ©mier (Paypal)
12:00 - 12:15
News about PrestaShop tech & Open Source project
EricSenechal (PrestaShop)
12:00 - 12:30
Review of upcoming PrestaShop Release Candidate
Pierre-OlivierCalande (PrestaShop)
12:15 - 13:00
Big day today : technical check of your online shop
Technical audit (Datebase, files & security)
VincentMillet (StoreCommander)
12:15 - 12:30
Parachute : The new and innovating service that secures your business
StephanObadia (PrestaModule & BusinessTech)
12:30 - 13:00
PrestaShop Metrics : get the most out of your data
SamuelBoucher (PrestaShop)
13:00 - 13:30
1 year later : how PrestaShop Checkout payment solution improves your conversion rate
AlexandreDarmon (PrestaShop)
13:15 - 13:30
Commerçants & banques : Ils ont opté pour la solution de paiement incontournable
Lyra accompagne plus de 100 000 e-commerçants et leurs agences web pour optimiser leur parcours de paiement via la solution de leur banque, une solution multi-banque ou sans contrat VAD. De plus de nombreuses banques Française ont choisi notre plateforme pour leur propre marque. Découvrez pourquoi un tel engouement !
SidonieBrisson (Lyra)
13:15 - 13:45
How to really improve your conversion rate through UX improvement
OlivierSauvage (Agence Wexperience)
13:15 - 13:45
Integration of PrestaShop into an ERP
ConstantinBoulanger (MDWeb)
13:15 - 13:45
User guide of PrestaShop's back office
Edouardd'Ormoy (LCDA)
13:30 - 13:45
Speed up your digitization thanks to Stripe
DarylWeill (Stripe)
14:00 - 14:30
Webservice PrestaShop, good pratice & experiences
MaximeVarinard (Vaisonet)
14:30 - 14:45
SEO for PrestaShop : make sure your e-shop is on track
CyrilEstournet (K-Pulse, groupe Kiwik)RomainGonzalez (Kiwik)
14:30 - 15:00
eCommerce as a drive for a sustainable economy
CharlieCarle (Recyclivre)AlexandreEruimy (PrestaShop)JulienKonczaty (PrestaShop)NoamLeandri (ADEME)MaudSarda (Label EmmaĂĽs)
14:45 - 15:00
Cross-Border eCommerce : the key steps of a successful international expansion
Axel Hurstel (Global-e)
15:00 - 15:30
Improve the performance of its PrestaShop shop and optimize the speed page
GuillaumeBatier (PrestaSafe)
15:15 - 15:45
Replay : The 6 first months of a merchant
TeddyLegris (Diamand's Car)NicolasRateau (PrestaShop)