Jonathan Danse
PrestaEdit / Wepika
Lead PrestaShop Developer
A PrestaShop module developer and designer with the Presta Module and BusinessTech teams, as well as a theme developer with SEO Presta for over 7 years, I'm now PrestaShop lead developer at Wepika, a certified PrestaShop agency. I started developing ecommerce stores with PrestaShop in 2010, and also created a dedicated code editor called PrestaEdit.
I also write technical articles on PrestaShop and am one of the top 40 PrestaShop contributors, with over 500 contributions to the software. Winner of the PrestaShop Awards "Contributor Favorite, Most line of code modified", I'm now keen to share my expertise with readers to help them learn PrestaShop. I am also the author of "Développez avec PHP pour PrestaShop - Architecture, personnalisation, thèmes et conception de modules", published by ENI.